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From the Desk of: LuLu

#Fearless All 2020!

Writer's picture: LuLu DanielsLuLu Daniels

Have you ever wanted to do something, but was scared to? Have you ever wanted to go somewhere, but didn't want to go alone? This is me.... in a nutshell. But NO MORE!! Not in 2020!! I decided to do something big to completely take me out of my comfort zone.... I still can't believe I did it, but it was such a beautiful experience that I can't WAIT to do it again! Well, I'm not gonna lie... I probably could wait BUT I won't be SCARED to do it again... And that's my whole point.

I don't like doing things alone which causes me to miss out on some pretty amazing opportunities and quite frankly... I got tired of it. I WAS the type that if I wanted to do something and no one else was available to do it with me, then I just wouldn't do it..... Listen people, THIS.IS.NOT.OKAY. You can't live life like this! It just aint right!

It all started with me going to a craft conference in a different city 2 hours away, all by myself. I found out about it last minute and got lucky enough to still find a ticket so I bought one! Then it hit me... Oh no! I'm not gonna know anyone there and I'm gonna be all by myself! Hubby had plans so I was all on my own, but you know what, I went..... and I ended up having the BEST time! Even though I was by myself, it didn't feel like it because I was surrounded by a bunch of women who looked like me and had the same interests as me! I met some amazing people and was so glad that I didn't back out on going.

But then I craved more.... I thought, surely if I can do this, then I can travel alone, right? It took me MONTHS to convince myself that I could do it, but finally, I took the plunge... I booked a flight to San Antonio, Texas..... ALL.BY.MYSELF!!!

Hooonnneeeeyyyy, lemme tell you!! It wasn't easy in the beginning... I cried when my husband dropped me to the airport. I hate flying and I had the NERVE to think I could do it by myself?! "Who's going to hold my hand when we start going through turbulence?! The stranger next to me aint gonna like it if I grab his, I'm sure! So what in the world was I gonna do!? What if I get to San Antonio and don't like it?! What if I'm bored?! What if the people are rude?! What's gonna happen?!" But then my hubby kissed me and said "don't think 'what-if', say 'even if' instead. What ifs are what cause fear and anxiety... Even ifs remind you that no matter what happens, everything will work out just fine." I mean, sure it sounded good... And I'm sure its true.... But in that moment, all I could think was "Take me home. I don't wanna do this anymore." It didn't matter though, because he left me right at that airport... Bags and all. I was going on this trip whether I wanted to or not..... And I'm SO glad I did!!

San Antonio was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I stayed in a hotel directly on the Riverwalk and my view was pretty expansive. I could even see the river from my room. It was pretty dope!

I met some amazing people with great stories to tell, I got to see some beautiful sites.... I even made a childhood dream of mine come true - I rode in Cinderella's carriage!! Ok, so no it wasn't actually HER carriage but it was a horse and carriage with beautiful lights all around it. Unfortunately, I ended up with a not-so-sober companion on the ride.... But it ended up working out. She was funny.... sometimes.

I say all this to say.... Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. I did and I'm glad I did because I feel it made me a stronger person. I enjoyed my time alone and learned that I can entertain myself just fine. I don't always need a travel companion. I did what I wanted, when I wanted with no compromise. To go alone to a place I had never been, where I knew absolutely no one, and have a great experience was a really freeing feeling. I pray everyone gets to feel that one day...... Just free.

So if you're thinking about traveling alone for the first time, I definitely suggest San Antonio, Texas!! There's so much to do on the Riverwalk but if you venture out in town, even just a little bit, you'll see so much more. The Japanese Tea Gardens were BEAUTIFUL (but be prepared to hike... I wasn't... And it was HOT.) The Pearl was magical as well.... It was a gorgeous day out and to see all the kids running around smiling, laughing, and playing in the splash fountains just kind of pulled at my heart strings a bit. They had live music out there, and the drinks looked SPECTACULAR.... you know, if you're a drinker. I even got to catch the floating Chinese lantern parade while eating dinner on the river my last night in town. It was a great way to finish off the trip. I could say so much more, but honestly, San Antonio is a place you have to experience for yourself..... You won't regret it. I'm excited to go back and I just may let my Hubby come with me this time....

What have you done to step out of your comfort zone? I'm excited to hear about it!

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